Successful detoxification SHOULD be based on communication between THREE phases of biochemical signalling. In this sophisticated process, toxins are removed from inside cells, through cellular membranes, into the lymph and extracellular matrix. They are moved through bile into the gut or from lymph and bloodstream through kidneys. All of this is fulfilled by transport or carrier proteins that bind with toxic conjugates passed on from phases II and I.

This complicated system HAS to be addressed in a reverse order to significantly lower the chances of failure or serious side effects. So made you a favour by placing this section in the right place in your report so you can avoid the most common mistakes in addressing detoxification.

Categories listed here include Kidney Health, Bile Flow, Extracellular Matrix proteins and Multi-Drug resistant proteins (the transporter proteins mentioned above).

TIP: Tackling gut-level pathogens will curb GI inflammation and free up the transporter proteins necessary to remove toxic conjugates via Kidneys, Bile and Extracellular Matrix. This section of your report will focus on ensuring that your body’s drainage system and excretion routes are not “clogged up”. This will also open up phase II detoxification pathways, to make sure that when you address them directly, they can work in their highest capacity.

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